Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pumped Up Kicks!

There is a massive amount of hype surrounding the indie rock/pop band Foster The People, and for once i think it is well deserved. Their songs are extremely catchy and the lyrics are both deep and clever.

Who would have thought that after cutting through the poppy chorus of Pumped up Kicks that the lyrics would reveal a story about a student going on a high school shooting spree?

"all the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.

all the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet"

Pumped up Kicks:

Definitely have a listen to the rest of their EP and a new album will be coming out shortly. This band seems to have potential. Hopefully it will fill the void of MGMT and do so without having to mimic their sound.

As a side note, i haven't posted in a few weeks mainly because i have been flat out with exams and such, but i shall be getting back into it again. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Best of Folk Pt. 2:

My next picks for the best of folk series are a few bands i have really been enjoying after a recent discovery.

Blind Pilot are an indie folk/ pop band originating from Portland, Oregon.

At first listen most of the songs are immediately catchy, some although being original sound familiar, almost as if you had dreamed of the hooks and progressions previously.

Admittedly, Blind Pilots album 3 Rounds and a Sound could easily fall into the trap of becoming a non-offensive album to be played in the background of a store, however there is enough distinction in some outstanding songs which pulls the album through any mediocrity.

Some of these great tracks are The Story I Heard, The Bitter End and the title track 3 Rounds and a Sound.

3 Rattles and a Sound:

The Story I Heard (very good live):

Cast Spells is my next best of folk pick. A band which has a simple and honest sound, beautiful harmonies and make full use of acoustic instrumentation. You have to give major props to artists who can sit in a little room and just make such good music. Outstanding tracks are A Badge, Letters, Water Story Hellos.

A Badge (live):

Their Ep is only $3.99 from the following website:

Cast Spells also work closely with another band named Good Old War, i highly recommend listening to them and they have a similar sound. They have made a split Ep with Cast Spells and its a really nice piece of work. 

My Own Sinking Ship (live):

That's Some Dream:

You can also download it cheap from their band camp website here: